• Yoga In the Community Class 1

    Yoga In the Community Class 1

    Support 'Yoga in the Community', a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to teaching yoga to at-risk groups within Australia, with your purchase of Katie Manitsas' Vinayasa Hatha Open-Level Class.

  • Hatha Yoga Intermediate Class 4

    Hatha Yoga Intermediate Class 4

    Develop your strength, balance, hip stability and opening through your hips with this expertly crafted yoga class from Sydney yoga teacher Danielle Dolev. This level class is the fourth of a 6 set series of classes targeted at intermediate yogis or advanced beginners.

  • Prenatal Yoga Program Class 2

    Prenatal Yoga Program Class 2

    Postures for Birth Preparation: This is a more energetic sequence. Here, Ana Davis focuses on guiding you through strengthening postures for birth-preparation, and relaxation with the breath.The main areas are forward bends, dynamic standing poses, and a few groin and hip opening postures. This class builds on the fundamentals of the postures and breath work. The level of this practice is medium to energetic.

  • Ashtanga Yoga Beginners Class 2

    Ashtanga Yoga Beginners Class 2

    This 2nd of a set of 7 classes introduce you to Sun Salutation B, a series of poses at the beginning of an Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga practice. This is a flowing dynamic style of practice, and is suitable for fit and active people new to yoga or practitioners new to this style. Develop your breath and body movement with experienced yoga teacher Yuki Nakazawa.

  • Kundalini Yoga Beginners Class 1

    Kundalini Yoga Beginners Class 1

    Enjoy a beautiful practice with Siri Gopal Kaur (Mandy Farmer). This practice is called the "Basic Spinal Energy Series" - a simple and easy set to increase the flexibility of your spine. Youth can be defined by the range of movement of your spine

  • Yoga Synergy Open Class 1: Introductory Practice

    Yoga Synergy Open Class 1: Introductory Practice

    Experience the benefits of Yoga Synergy with Sydney's legendary teacher, Simon Borg-Olivier. As a scientist & specialist lecturer in yoga anatomy & physiology, Simon introduces you to the benefits arising from this style, through Open Class 1 - designed for beginners OR as a warm up for intermediate students.

  • Vinyasa Hatha Beginners Class 1

    Vinyasa Hatha Beginners Class 1

    This well-rounded and gentle practice works on your whole body. Improve your breathing and body awareness in this first of a series fluid-moving classes from a brilliant and fun teacher, Mark O'Brien.

  • Kundalini Yoga Chakra Program Class 2

    Kundalini Yoga Chakra Program Class 2

    This practice is for a healthy second chakra, the Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana Chakra) - the energetic centre located around the lower abdomen. These set of exercises focus on the area around your spleen, bladder, kidneys, liver, and reproductive organs. Enjoy this led class by Kundalini yoga teacher Patty Kikos

  • Hatha Yoga for Beginners Class 6

    Hatha Yoga for Beginners Class 6

    Work on your core strength, and refine your stability and balance gained from Classes 1 to 5. A wonderful dynamic practice where you will enjoy moving the body fluidly with the breath, this is a guided practice by Sarah Trestrail you will revisit time and time again!

  • Complete Introduction to Pranayama (Breathwork)

    Complete Introduction to Pranayama (Breathwork)

    Experience a comprehensive introduction to Pranayama (Breathwork) in this 10-track set. James Bryan - from Knoff Yoga School in Cairns - is one of Australia's most experienced yoga teachers. James takes you through 5 Pranayama techniques, each with an instructional track + led practice track.

  • Ashtanga Yoga Intermediate Class 1

    Ashtanga Yoga Intermediate Class 1

    This is a strong practice designed for advanced yoga practitioners. Here, renowned Ashtanga Yoga teacher Paul Frechtling guides you through a modified version of the Primary Series. Enjoy a rhythmic, energetic, blissful practice!

  • Hatha Yoga Intermediate Class 5

    Hatha Yoga Intermediate Class 5

    A flowing breath sequenced class from Sydney yoga teacher Danielle Dolev. This intermediate level class primarily focuses on improving your strength, balance and concentration.

  • 20-Minute Yoga (Day) - Class 2: Gentle Awakening

    20-Minute Yoga (Day) – Class 2: Gentle Awakening

    Needing that yoga-break to balance out your hectic schedule? Enjoy Class 2 - Gentle Opening: This practice wakes the body and mind gently, working the breath with simple movements and leading on to a balanced practice that will stretch and massage your body. Led by beautiful teacher, Jane Thomas

  • Ashtanga Yoga Beginners Class 3

    Ashtanga Yoga Beginners Class 3

    The 3rd in a series of 7 classes, this class starts off with 5 rounds each of Sun Salutation A & B - which classically start an Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga practice. This is followed by an introduction to the first set of Standing Postures. Experience strengthening your legs and improving your stability and balance in this guided class by - Yuki Nakazawa.

  • Kundalini Yoga Beginners Class 2

    Kundalini Yoga Beginners Class 2

    Explore the wonders of Kundalini Yoga with experienced teacher Siri Gopal Kaur (Mandy Farmer). This practice is called "Kriya for Elevation" and is a beautiful way to tune up your physical body. Working internally and externally, it stimulates the lungs, organs of elimination and digestion, increases spine flexibility, circulation and balances the chakras.

  • Yoga Synergy Open Class 2: Grounding & Standing Postures

    Yoga Synergy Open Class 2: Grounding & Standing Postures

    Warmed up after Class 1? Or looking for a more dynamic practice with Simon? Deepen your practice & experience the fluid style that is Yoga Synergy. Join Simon Borg-Olivier as he takes you through a grounding practice and more vinyasa.

  • Vinyasa Hatha Beginners Class 2

    Vinyasa Hatha Beginners Class 2

    In this class, Mark O'Brien introduces you to the distinction between good and bad stretches in a yoga practice. He explores the yoga principles of Ahimsa (‘Non-violence’) as well as breath awareness, as he guides you through some foundation postures in a Sun Salute.

  • Postnatal Yoga Program Class 1

    Postnatal Yoga Program Class 1

    Core Awareness and Strengthening: With a focus on re-building your body after birth, this class provides you with increased core awareness, hamstring stretches, balancing postures, and core and leg strengthening. Slim and shape your body after pregnancy with specialist pre-natal yoga teacher - Ana Davis.

  • Kundalini Yoga Chakra Program Class 3

    Kundalini Yoga Chakra Program Class 3

    This practice is for a healthy third chakra, the Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura Chakra) - the energetic centre located right below the navel and the base of the sternum. This centre relates to your digestive system, liver, gallbladder, and the pancreas. It relates to our drive and effective will. Enjoy this practice with Kundalini yoga teacher Patty Kikos.

  • Hatha Yoga for Beginners Class 7

    Hatha Yoga for Beginners Class 7

    Integrating the fundamental postures learned from Classes 1 to 6 in a smooth-flowing Vinyasa, Class 7 rejuvenates the body with a complete mind-body practice, and guided relaxation. Sarah Trestrail ends this set of practices with a seated Lovingkindness Meditation.