Kundalini Yoga Intermediate Class 1
This is a strong set of exercises designed for intermediate Kundalini Yoga practitioners or advanced yoga practitioners. This kriya (routine) stretches the body, tones and strengthens the entire nervous, muscular, and circulatory system, and energises the spine. This is a continuous practice with very minimal breaks in between. Approximate length of practice is 2.5 hours.
This practice is not recommended for beginners in yoga, pregnant women, or for individuals with high-blood pressure, heart ailments, and the like. If you are suffering from any serious health condition, please consult your doctor before doing this practice.
We recommend that you listen to the Yoga Home Practice Kundalini Yoga Introductory Audio for guidelines on preparing for your practice.
This class is for experienced Kundalini practitioners. It runs for over 2 1/2 hours and will challenge your strength and stamina. To ensure your practice is enjoyable the class comes with two MP3 tracks – a class with music and a class without music – so you can choose to play your own music if you wish.