Introductory Audios

Your safety is of primary importance to us. To ensure you have enjoy the full benefits of your yoga experience we have developed a set of Introductory Audios and Safety Disclaimer.

These downloadable audios and PDF documents outline important safety information that will ensure you have a safety and enjoyable practice. They also cover topics such as preparing your space, time and duration, and what equipment you will need.

Very Important: Please ensure you LISTEN or DOWNLOAD all of the Introductory Audios and PDFs that are relevant to you.

General Yoga Introductory Audio

Download General Yoga Introductory Audio MP3 | Download General Yoga Introductory Audio PDF

Ashtanga Yoga Introductory Audio

Download Ashtanga Yoga Introductory Audio MP3 | Download Ashtanga Yoga Introductory Audio PDF

Pre-natal Yoga Introductory Audio

Download Pre-natal Yoga Introductory Audio MP3 | Download Pre-natal Yoga Introductory Audio PDF

Kundalini Yoga Introductory Audio

Download Kundalini Yoga Introductory Audio MP3 | Download Kundalini Yoga Introductory Audio PDF

Chair Yoga Introductory Audio

Download Chair Yoga Introductory Audio MP3 | Download Chair Yoga Introductory Audio PDF

Pranayama Introductory Audio

Download Pranayama Introductory Audio MP3 | Download Pranayama Introductory Audio PDF

Safety Disclaimer

The content provided by Live Yoga Life is for information purposes only and is in no way intended as a substitute for appropriate medical advice or examination from a medical healthcare profession, or personal instruction from an experienced yoga teaching. Talk to your doctor or healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regime, including any of the programs outlined on this site.

Live Yoga Life encourages you to be cautious when using yoga and medical information. If at any time you are unsure about your ability to practice yoga or mediation in a safe way, consult an experienced yoga teacher or medical healthcare professional.

In addition – if you are dealing with any sort of mental, emotional or physical disorder, or are undergoing psychotherapy, are experiencing seizures, or have any other neurological or neuro-respiratory disease, we suggest that you consult your doctor or therapist, and use this audio-class under their supervision. Neither the teacher or Live Yoga Life Pty Ltd, assume responsibility for your improper use of our audio-classes.

In yoga there is the practice of Ahimsa, which means to practice ‘non-hurting’ of others and especially towards oneself. At all times we ask that you respect your body’s limitations and inner wisdom, and if something feels wrong or dangerous please do not do it.

Although great care is taken in compiling and checking the information to ensure accuracy, Live Yoga Life does not guarantee the accuracy of published documents. Live Yoga Life, their employees, agents, authors shall not be responsible or in any way liable for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies whether arising from negligence or otherwise or for any consequences arising therefrom.

If, as a result of listening to or reading the information on this site, or after taking part in any discussion, you wish to act on any of the information you should do so only after consultation with your yoga teacher or healthcare professional.

We recommend that you are cautious of any yoga and medical information that you read on the internet until:

  1. You have checked the information yourself.
  2. You are satisfied that the author is qualified.
  3. You have spoken to your own yoga teacher or healthcare professional.

Enjoy your Practice!