• Kundalini Yoga Beginners Class 4

    Kundalini Yoga Beginners Class 4

    Explore the wonders of Kundalini Yoga with experienced teacher Siri Gopal Kaur (Mandy Farmer). This practice is called "Awakening to your 10 Bodies" and will support you to clean and rebalance all of our bodies to leave you feeling refreshed and revitalised.

  • 20-Minute Yoga (Day) - Class 5: Body Opening

    20-Minute Yoga (Day) – Class 5: Body Opening

    Wondering how to squeeze in that yoga-break in your busy schedule? Enjoy Class 5 - Body Opening Sequence: A well-balanced practice with an emphasis on opening the chest and heart centre by Jane Thomas

  • Hatha Yoga for Beginners Class 2

    Hatha Yoga for Beginners Class 2

    Explore Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose) and the basic standing postures. This class offers a complete well-rounded practice led by Sarah Trestrail. The theme for this class is Santosha (Contentment).

  • Postnatal Yoga Program Class 7

    Postnatal Yoga Program Class 7

    Core Stability: In this class specialist pre-natal yoga teacher - Ana Davis focuses on developing your core stability, arm strength, releasing of hip and shoulders.

  • Hatha Yoga Intermediate Class 1

    Hatha Yoga Intermediate Class 1

    A flowing breath sequenced class from Sydney yoga teacher Danielle Dolev. This intermediate level class primarily focuses on improving your strength, balance and concentration.

  • Iyengar Yoga Foundation Class 6

    Iyengar Yoga Foundation Class 6

    In Class 7, experienced teacher John Norris focuses on lengthening and releasing tension around the spine, and staying active yet relaxed in the poses. Integrating your technique from Classes 1 to 5, it introduces you to Utkatasana (Chair Pose) working on your legs and core, and Vrksasana (Tree Pose) a balancing pose, amongst other new poses.

  • Yoga with a Chair Level 2 - Class 3

    Yoga with a Chair Level 2 – Class 3

    Grounding & Leg Stretches: this classes explores deeper hip, groin, and hamstring stretches.This holistic class gives you a complete body-mind-soul routine, with James Bryan guiding you through consistent emphasis on breath-work, and positive philosophy to assist you in taking yoga off the mat!

  • Kundalini Yoga Beginners Class 5

    Kundalini Yoga Beginners Class 5

    Enjoy this Kundalini Yoga practice called "Kriya for Morning Sadhana" with experienced teacher Siri Gopal Kaur. It will stretch and strengthen your back, and get the energy moving along your spine.

  • Prenatal Yoga Program Class 6

    Prenatal Yoga Program Class 6

    Gentle Restorative Practice A: Ana Davis specifically designed this routine for late pregnancy in preparation for birth. It focuses on hip and pelvic-openers, as well as breath and sound work. This is a soothing and grounding practice. The intensity of the class is gentle.

  • Hatha Yoga for Beginners Class 3

    Hatha Yoga for Beginners Class 3

    This holistic class focuses on the Sun Salutes and Warrior 3, another standing posture. Sarah Trestrail, known for classes rich in inspiring practical yoga philosophy, gives you a background on AUM and it's significance. Enjoy this well-rounded practice with refinements on your posture and alignment.

  • Postnatal Yoga Program Class 8

    Postnatal Yoga Program Class 8

    Routine 8 - Relax and Rejuvenate Your Energy (Self-Contained Class): This class focuses on relaxing and rejuvenating your energy, and making you feel nurtured. Relax and unwind with specialist pre-natal yoga teacher - Ana Davis.

  • Hatha Yoga Intermediate Class 2

    Hatha Yoga Intermediate Class 2

    This intermediate level class from Sydney yoga teacher Danielle Dolev is a perfect combination of flowing vinyasa yoga poses and breathing. It will develop your strength, coordination, concentration and breathing.

  • 20-Minute Yoga (Day) - Class 1: Energising

    20-Minute Yoga (Day) – Class 1: Energising

    Looking for a perfect way to perk up your energy and have your mind feeling clear and renewed for the day ahead? Enjoy Class 1 - Energising Sequence: a flowing dynamic class, energising you with the rhythm of the breath. Enjoy a complete practice, led by beautiful teacher, Jane Thomas

  • Iyengar Yoga Foundation Class 7

    Iyengar Yoga Foundation Class 7

    This class completes the foundation work, and brings together all the learning and body-movement you've done from Classes 1 to 6. By this point, you will know not only the fundamental yoga poses with their correct alignment, but also how these are referred to in Sanskrit, the ancient language of India. You will feel the benefits in your overall health and well-being, and have a solid foundation to participate in any yoga class. Enjoy this amazing journey with John Norris!

  • Yoga with a Chair Level 2 - Class 4

    Yoga with a Chair Level 2 – Class 4

    Core Stability & Twists: Enjoy an energetic class which integrates the balancing and grounding work established in the previous classes. Experience deeper abdominal work, twists, and gentle back bends with one of Australia's most experienced yoga teachers, James Bryan from Knoff Yoga School in Cairns.

  • Kundalini Yoga Class 1

    Kundalini Yoga Class 1

    Enjoy a rejuvenating Kundalini Yoga class for increased energy and strength. Combining a yoga class together with a meditation practice focusing on your Mooladhara and Ajna chakras, join expert Kundalini Yoga teacher Gail Pisani in this gentle energising class.

  • Kundalini Yoga Beginners Class 6

    Kundalini Yoga Beginners Class 6

    Explore the wonders of Kundalini Yoga with experienced teacher Siri Gopal Kaur (Mandy Farmer). This practice is called "Kriya for Disease Resistance" and focuses on building your physical strength, improve your digestion and elimination, strengthening your metabolic balance, and hence building your resistance to disease.

  • 20-Minute Yoga (Evening) - Class 1: Calm & Centring

    20-Minute Yoga (Evening) – Class 1: Calm & Centring

    This first evening class focuses on calming and centring you after a long busy day. Enjoy this easy-to-do sequence that restores well-being for the whole body by Jane Thomas

  • Yoga for Menstruation Class 1

    Yoga for Menstruation Class 1

    Try this supportive routine by experienced teacher - Ana Davis - it works to soften and release tension in the abdominal area which can ease the discomfort of menstrual cramps.

  • Hatha Yoga for Beginners Class 4

    Hatha Yoga for Beginners Class 4

    Focus poses in this flowing vinyasa class are Warrior 1 & 2. Be inspired and find courage in yourself as Sarah gives insights on the yoga precept called 'Tapas' (translates to 'discipline' or 'the fire within').