Posted by Live Yoga Life in Updates, Yoga Events on November 3rd, 2013
Join Paul Wilson, author of The Little Book of Calm, in a three-hour meditation immersion suitable for all ages and experience levels. Organised by Yoga Reach, funds raised through this event support The Yoga Foundation, an Australian non-profit that provides yoga-based health promotion programs for people experiencing hardship or disadvantage.
Date: Sunday, 10 November 2013
Venue: Australian Catholic University, 8-20 Napier Street, North Sydney (5 minutes walk from North Sydney station)
Time: 9am-12pm
Cost: $55
To book or find out more information about the meditation immersion with Paul Wilson. has a wide range of MP3 yoga classes available:
Posted by Live Yoga Life in Meditation, Updates on August 7th, 2013
I recently came across an interesting article on meditation in the Art of Healing magazine.
The article highlighted two recent studies that found significant benefits in practising meditation.
1. A new imaging study found that people with no prior meditation experience showed changes in particular brain mechanisms when they participated in a four-day mindfulness meditation program. In particular there was a marked decrease in the presence of anxiety after meditation.
2. A new study published in the Journal, Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes found that the practice of meditation keeps people healthy. The study involved a group of 201 people suffering from coronary heart disease. They had a choice between a health education class or take a course in transcendental meditation. Over a five year period, researchers followed up with both groups and found that those who took the meditation class had a 48 per cent reduction in their symptoms and overall risk of heart attack, stroke and death. has a range of meditation products available for you:
Posted by Live Yoga Life in Meditation, Yoga for Seniors, Yoga Therapy on March 4th, 2012
We recently came across an article about meditation in the Sydney Morning Herald. The article centred around a new study that found that meditation was more effective than drugs.
The article stated that “This is the first study to show that only a little over an hour of meditation training can dramatically reduce both the experience of pain and pain-related brain activation … We found a big effect – about a 40 per cent reduction in pain intensity and a 57 per cent reduction in pain unpleasantness. Meditation produced a greater reduction in pain than even morphine or other pain-relieving drugs, which typically reduce pain ratings by about 25 per cent.”
Posted by Live Yoga Life in Chakras, New Product Release, Styles of Yoga, Updates on May 25th, 2011
Check out our latest release – Kundalini Yoga Class 2 by Kundalini yoga expert, Gail Pisani. This is the first class in a series by Gail.
The class contains three tracks – two Kundalini Yoga sessions and a guided Anahata meditation.
Track 1 is a energising Kundalini Yoga practice to clear and balance the energetic body, and runs for 30 minutes.
Track 2 is a more dynamic class Kundalini Yoga practice compared to track 1 that will cleanse and strengthen the energetic / physical body. It is recommended for yogis with more yoga experienced. This track runs for 30 minutes.
Track 3 is a guided Anahata meditation to invigorate and enlighten – allowing you a deeper connection to the meta-physical part of you. This is sometimes referred to as the Atman, the Ecstatic Divine Self residing in Anahata (the Heart Chakra). It includes Ham–Sa and So-Ham mantras. This track runs for 20 minutes.
Live Yoga Life has a wide range of MP3 yoga classes, yoga ebooks and yoga books available for you to download:
Posted by Live Yoga Life in Chakras, New Product Release, Styles of Yoga, Updates on May 24th, 2011
Check out our latest release – Kundalini Yoga Class 1 by Kundalini yoga expert, Gail Pisani. This is the first class in a series by Gail.
The class contains two tracks – a Kundalini Yoga session and a guided Ananta meditation session.
Track 1 has rejuvenation Kundalini practices for energy and strength. It starts with a delightful seated meditation followed by an energising beginner kundalini yoga sequence. Shavasana to complete your perfect practice. This track runs for 40 minutes.
Track 2 is a guided Ananta Meditation which is sitting in stillness in with focus on the endless breath, allowing you to connect with your eternal nature. The quality of your eternal nature fostered in this Ananta Meditation is Santosa, which is contentment and deep peace. This guided practice to develop Ajna (third eye) and Mooladhara (root) chakras. This track runs for 22 minutes.
Live Yoga Life has a wide range of MP3 yoga classes, yoga ebooks and yoga books available for you to download:
Posted by Live Yoga Life in Meditation, New Product Release, Updates on March 12th, 2011
Check out this new release – a Guided Meditation Class on Healthy Habits by experienced meditation and yoga teacher, Gail Pisani.
This guided meditation on Healthy Habits is designed as a supportive tool to allow you to bring your thoughts, word and actions into harmony with the activation of your total health and physical well being.
For your practice we recommended that you have a yoga mat & cushion to lie or sit on for your comfort, and a blanket to keep you warm.
Track 1 – Guided relaxation practice takes you through deep relaxation, supporting you to clear up your energy.
Track 2 – Guided visualisation practice works on harmonising the different aspects to your being towards your desired outcome, to have total health & well being.