Posted by Live Yoga Life in Updates, Yoga Events on February 12th, 2014
Sacred Earth – Music for Inner Peace – are currently touring around the east coast of Australia, and are performing on Saturday 22nd February 2014 at a retreat centre near Canberra (Australia). They are an amazing group and we are looking forward to see them later this month. For more details go to
Posted by Live Yoga Life in Personal Growth on January 14th, 2014
For 2014, how about starting it clean and fresh? Before planning or expending any time, energy or money on any “how-to-do” steps, why not take a step back and be clear about the most fundamental of questions. What do I want?
This is the most important question you can ask yourself, and for some people it is the toughest question to answer.
In its purest form you need to ask whether what you want is something you really want for yourself, or whether it’s something you think you want based on what others want or what others will “approve of”.
It would seem that only when I am clear with what I really want in my heart-of-hearts, that whatever I create flow effortlessly, get executed joyfully and in an inspiring way. And in the end, it leaves me feeling truly satisfied and happy with how the journey unfolded AND the outcome I created.
“What I want” doesn’t have to be a huge mammoth of a goal or involve large life changing decisions. It can be little things, such as what I want to eat for breakfast, how I want my living room or kitchen to look like, or deciding to get up to do a simple asana practice to get my prana flowing.
So take some time and make sure that whatever you choose to do in 2014 is aligned with what you want.
If you want some assistance on being grounded and centred, getting clear with what you want or reducing your stress levels, check out these DRU yoga classes:
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