Kundalini Yoga Class 2
The class contains three tracks – two Kundalini Yoga sessions and a guided Anahata meditation.
Track 1 is a energising Kundalini Yoga practice to clear and balance the energetic body, and runs for 30 minutes.
Track 2 is a more dynamic class Kundalini Yoga practice compared to track 1 that will cleanse and strengthen the energetic / physical body. It is recommended for yogis with more yoga experienced. This track runs for 30 minutes.
Track 3 is a guided Anahata meditation to invigorate and enlighten – allowing you a deeper connection to the meta-physical part of you. This is sometimes referred to as the Atman, the Ecstatic Divine Self residing in Anahata (the Heart Chakra). It includes Ham–Sa and So-Ham mantras. This track runs for 20 minutes.
This is an open level class and is 80 minutes in length.