Posted by Live Yoga Life in Updates, Yoga Events on September 12th, 2013
The Bondi Yoga Festival is back again on 17th November 2013 at Bondi Beach, Sydney.
The Bondi Yoga Festival explores the different styles and traditions of Yoga from several of the world’s most inspiring teachers including’s Simon Borg-Olivier and Mark O’Brien. Yoga is for everyone, and the festival will have a great selection of classes at the festival suitable for all levels of experience from beginners to advanced.
Experience a variety of Local and International music artists at the festival. We will feature a range of inspiring, positive bands and a range of exciting groovy music from ecstatic Kirtan-Chants to Alternative-Rock and Groovy Roots & Reggae. Its all fun and dance at the Bondi Yoga Festival.
We will invite local Vegetarian, Vegan and Raw cafe’s in Sydney to provide a variety of delicious food the festival. We aim to provide deliciously-healthy choices for our attendees. The Bondi Yoga Festival will also feature an exciting range of Wellness & Lifestyle activities like Massage, Aromatherapy, Funky Art, Fashion, Clothing and Music within our Vendor Village.
Click here to find out more about the Bondi Yoga Festival. has a wide range of MP3 yoga classes available:
Posted by Live Yoga Life in By Teachers, Updates on October 31st, 2011
We are once again delighted to be featured in the October 2011 issue of Australian Yoga Journal magazine. The magazine comes with a complimentary CD featuring a 40-minute Yoga Synergy Open Class by one of’s most endeared teachers, Simon Borg-Olivier. co-founder and director of Yoga Synergy, Sydney (studios located at Bondi Junction, Newtown & Surry Hills).
This 40-minute yoga class is the 3rd in a 4-set-series of classes. The 4-class-set has been designed to be accessible for beginners (Classes 1 & 4) and advanced practitioners (practice to the full set or focus on Classes 2 & 3). These are well-rounded & fluid practices. For more information, check out Simon’s complete series of classes.
As a sciences & specialist lecturer in yoga anatomy & physiology, you can benefit from the benefits arising from this style of yoga by doing your practice whenever you can – at home, or while travelling.
Check out the complimentary class in this month’s issue of Australian Yoga Journal magazine, available at your local news agent today!
Posted by Live Yoga Life in By Teachers, New Product Release, Updates on July 14th, 2011
Check out our latest release – Complete set of 4 Yoga Synergy Classes by Yoga Synergy teacher, Simon Borg-Olivier. These classes are part of the first series of Yoga Synergy classes.
Yoga Synergy Open Class 1: Introductory Practice. This class focuses on some basic standing postures, as well as wrist flexes & lateral stretches that work on lengthening & strengthening the body, and rejuvenating the spine. This class is designed as a warm up for the whole body and is suitable for people new to yoga. You can do this classes as a complete practice, or in combination with classes 2, 3 or 4.
Yoga Synergy Open Class 2: Grounding & Standing Postures. The 2nd of a series of open-level classes, this class focuses strengthening the legs, and developing your sense of groundedness. This is a more dynamic practice designed for experienced practitioners and ideally follows the warm-up segment from Open Class 1.
Yoga Synergy Open Class 3: Floor Postures. This is the third of a series of open-level classes that focuses on forward bends, back bends and core-strengthening. This class builds on work from Classes 1 & 2. This is a more dynamic practice designed for experienced practitioners, and ideally follows the warm-up segment in Open Class 1, and dynamic practice from Open Class 2.
Yoga Synergy Open Class 4: Gentle Practice. This is the fourth in a series of open-level classes designed to be suitable as a one-off exercise for beginners. It is also ideal as a cool down to complete a more dynamic and longer practice flowing from Classes 1, 2 & 3. This practice focuses on twists, gentle backbends, hip-openers, and breathing exercises.
Live Yoga Life has a wide range of MP3 yoga classes, yoga eBooks and yoga books available for you to download:
Posted by Live Yoga Life in New Product Release, Updates on June 19th, 2011
Check out our latest release – 4 Yoga Synergy Classes by Yoga Synergy teacher, Simon Borg-Olivier. These classes are part of the first series of Yoga Synergy classes.
Yoga Synergy Open Class 1: Introductory Practice. This class focuses on some basic standing postures, as well as wrist flexes & lateral stretches that work on lengthening & strengthening the body, and rejuvenating the spine. This class is designed as a warm up for the whole body and is suitable for people new to yoga. You can do this classes as a complete practice, or in combination with classes 2, 3 or 4.
Yoga Synergy Open Class 2: Grounding & Standing Postures. The 2nd of a series of open-level classes, this class focuses strengthening the legs, and developing your sense of groundedness. This is a more dynamic practice designed for experienced practitioners and ideally follows the warm-up segment from Open Class 1.
Yoga Synergy Open Class 3: Floor Postures. This is the third of a series of open-level classes that focuses on forward bends, back bends and core-strengthening. This class builds on work from Classes 1 & 2. This is a more dynamic practice designed for experienced practitioners, and ideally follows the warm-up segment in Open Class 1, and dynamic practice from Open Class 2.
Yoga Synergy Open Class 4: Gentle Practice. This is the fourth in a series of open-level classes designed to be suitable as a one-off exercise for beginners. It is also ideal as a cool down to complete a more dynamic and longer practice flowing from Classes 1, 2 & 3. This practice focuses on twists, gentle backbends, hip-openers, and breathing exercises.
Live Yoga Life has a wide range of MP3 yoga classes, yoga eBooks and yoga books available for you to download: