
  • Postnatal Yoga Complete Set (Classes 1 to 8)

    Postnatal Yoga Complete Set (Classes 1 to 8)

    Created by renowned Byron Bay teacher Ana Davis, this complete set of 8 Postnatal Yoga Classes is your perfect companion to getting back in shape after giving birth. The mix-n-match approach allows you to control over your schedule. Practice to these specially designed classes anytime in under 30 minutes. No previous yoga experience required.

  • Kundalini Yoga Chakra Program Complete Set (Classes 1 to 8)

    Kundalini Yoga Chakra Program Complete Set (Classes 1 to 8)

    This is the complete set of 8 Chakra yoga classes. From Kundalini yoga, these classes will support you to clear blocked energy and revitalise your body, mind and spirit. Come join Kundalini teacher training Patty Kikos and energise yourself.

  • 20-Minute Yoga Complete Set (Classes 1 to 7)

    20-Minute Yoga Complete Set (Classes 1 to 7)

    Needing that quick energy-boost in the morning? Or that easy 20-minute relaxation time after work? Jane Thomas designed these 5 Daytime short practices with different focus points, and 2 restorative Evening classes. Do them on-the-go, any time of day!

  • Yoga Synergy Open Series Complete Set (Classes 1 to 4)

    Yoga Synergy Open Series Complete Set (Classes 1 to 4)

    Experience the benefits of Yoga Synergy with Sydney's legendary teacher, Simon Borg-Olivier. As a scientist & specialist lecturer in yoga anatomy & physiology, Simon introduces you to the benefits arising from this style through this complete set of four yoga classes.

  • Kundalini Yoga Chakra Program Class 2

    Kundalini Yoga Chakra Program Class 2

    This practice is for a healthy second chakra, the Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana Chakra) - the energetic centre located around the lower abdomen. These set of exercises focus on the area around your spleen, bladder, kidneys, liver, and reproductive organs. Enjoy this led class by Kundalini yoga teacher Patty Kikos

  • Iyengar Yoga Foundation Class 1

    Iyengar Yoga Foundation Class 1

    This first of a set of 7 classes is an excellent foundation course on the fundamental yoga asanas (postures). Ideal for those new to yoga, and a perfect re-fresher course for experienced yogis wanting to refine their alignment. Work on your posture alignment with John Norris, renowned for his clear instructions and attention to detail.

  • Yoga Synergy Open Class 2: Grounding & Standing Postures

    Yoga Synergy Open Class 2: Grounding & Standing Postures

    Warmed up after Class 1? Or looking for a more dynamic practice with Simon? Deepen your practice & experience the fluid style that is Yoga Synergy. Join Simon Borg-Olivier as he takes you through a grounding practice and more vinyasa.

  • Iyengar Yoga Foundation Class 7

    Iyengar Yoga Foundation Class 7

    This class completes the foundation work, and brings together all the learning and body-movement you've done from Classes 1 to 6. By this point, you will know not only the fundamental yoga poses with their correct alignment, but also how these are referred to in Sanskrit, the ancient language of India. You will feel the benefits in your overall health and well-being, and have a solid foundation to participate in any yoga class. Enjoy this amazing journey with John Norris!

  • Kundalini Yoga Chakra Program Class 3

    Kundalini Yoga Chakra Program Class 3

    This practice is for a healthy third chakra, the Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura Chakra) - the energetic centre located right below the navel and the base of the sternum. This centre relates to your digestive system, liver, gallbladder, and the pancreas. It relates to our drive and effective will. Enjoy this practice with Kundalini yoga teacher Patty Kikos.

  • Iyengar Yoga Foundation Class 3

    Iyengar Yoga Foundation Class 3

    Enjoy thorough alignment and breath-work instructions with John Norris. This class revisits the core poses from Classes 1 and 2 to reinforce your sense of grounding and stability. This sequence will focus on working on your balance and staying calm and present as you transition safely in and out of poses.

  • 20-Minute Yoga (Evening) - Class 2: Restorative

    20-Minute Yoga (Evening) – Class 2: Restorative

    Relax and unwind. Stretch out your body at the end of a busy working day, ideally before dinner time! This practice rests your body and then very gently, working the breath with movement, releases tension. Enjoy this short all-over-body sequence with Jane Thomas.

  • Iyengar Yoga Foundation Class 2

    Iyengar Yoga Foundation Class 2

    This 2nd in a set of 7 classes builds on the foundation work in Class 1 - introducing new standing postures and seated twists, and giving more detailed alignment. This class provides a complete practice for the whole body. Enjoy thorough alignment and thorough breath-work instructions from masterful teacher, John Norris.

  • Kundalini Yoga Chakra Program Class 4

    Kundalini Yoga Chakra Program Class 4

    This open level class is for a healthy Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra). You will be practising what is called the “Heart Connection Kriya”. This practice is designed to strengthen your lungs and circulation, strengthen your arms, and work with the energy centre around the region of the heart. Enjoy this practice with Kundalini yoga teacher Patty Kikos.

  • Postnatal Yoga Program Class 7

    Postnatal Yoga Program Class 7

    Core Stability: In this class specialist pre-natal yoga teacher - Ana Davis focuses on developing your core stability, arm strength, releasing of hip and shoulders.

  • 20-Minute Yoga (Day) - Class 1: Energising

    20-Minute Yoga (Day) – Class 1: Energising

    Looking for a perfect way to perk up your energy and have your mind feeling clear and renewed for the day ahead? Enjoy Class 1 - Energising Sequence: a flowing dynamic class, energising you with the rhythm of the breath. Enjoy a complete practice, led by beautiful teacher, Jane Thomas

  • Kundalini Yoga Chakra Program Class 5

    Kundalini Yoga Chakra Program Class 5

    This open level class is for a healthy Throat Chakra (Vishuddha Chakra). You will be practising what is called the “Creativity Kriya”. This practice is designed to strengthen your neck muscles, enhance your communication and thyroid gland, and work with the energy centre around the throat. Enjoy this practice with Kundalini yoga teacher Patty Kikos.

  • Postnatal Yoga Program Class 6

    Postnatal Yoga Program Class 6

    Pelvic Floor Strengthening: Specialist pre-natal yoga teacher - Ana Davis has the perfect class for you to regain your pelvic floor strength. Her extensive experience is all yours in his class designed specifically for time-poor mothers.

  • 20-Minute Yoga (Day) - Class 2: Gentle Awakening

    20-Minute Yoga (Day) – Class 2: Gentle Awakening

    Needing that yoga-break to balance out your hectic schedule? Enjoy Class 2 - Gentle Opening: This practice wakes the body and mind gently, working the breath with simple movements and leading on to a balanced practice that will stretch and massage your body. Led by beautiful teacher, Jane Thomas

  • Kundalini Yoga Chakra Program Class 6

    Kundalini Yoga Chakra Program Class 6

    This open level class revitalises your Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna Chakra). You will be practising what is called the “Ajna Stimulation Kriya” - a practice designed to help you develop your eye-sight and your intuition. Enjoy this wonderful practice with Kundalini yoga teacher Patty Kikos.

  • Postnatal Yoga Program Class 5

    Postnatal Yoga Program Class 5

    Strengthening Your Body: With a focuses on building strength with lunges and standing poses, slim and shape your body after pregnancy with specialist pre-natal yoga teacher - Ana Davis.