Gentle to Moderate

  • Prenatal Yoga Complete Set (Classes 1 to 7)

    Prenatal Yoga Complete Set (Classes 1 to 7)

    This complete set of seven Prenatal Classes are your supportive companions. Practice to any of these specially designed classes anytime & throughout the duration of your pregnancy. Covering the fundamentals of posture & breath-work, postures for birth-preparation, lateral stretches & hip-openers, energy-building, core & sacral stability for birth, plus 2 x restorative sessions for those tired days. Created by renowned Byron Bay teacher Ana Davis - she brings her highly-in-demand skill & expertise to you, wherever you are. No previous yoga experience required.

  • Iyengar Yoga Foundation Complete Set (Classes 1 to 7)

    Iyengar Yoga Foundation Complete Set (Classes 1 to 7)

    This is the complete Iyengar Yoga Foundation Program set of 7 classes by experienced yoga teacher John Norris who is renowned for his clear instructions and attention to detail. This is an ideal foundation course on the fundamental yoga asanas (postures) for anyone new to yoga, or a perfect re-fresher course for experienced yogis wanting to refine their alignment.

  • Yoga with a Chair Complete Set (Classes 1 to 7)

    Yoga with a Chair Complete Set (Classes 1 to 7)

    Chair Yoga Complete Set is a series of seven guided classes designed to support you to maintain and enhance your quality of life. This set of classes is the perfect way to stay fit while sitting in your chair. Be inspired with one of Australia's most experienced and funniest yoga teachers - James Bryan from Knoff Yoga School in Cairns.

  • Kundalini Yoga Beginners Complete Set

    Kundalini Yoga Beginners Complete Set

    Explore the wonders of Kundalini Yoga with experienced teacher Siri Gopal Kaur (Mandy Farmer) with this complete set of 7 beginners classes. It covers seven kriyas including the Basic Spinal Energy Series, Kriya for Elevation, Surya Kriya, Awakening to your 10 Bodies, Kriya for Morning Sadhana and Disease Resistance, and the Pituitary Gland Series.

  • Sun Salutations Warm-ups Complete Set (Classes 1 to 4)

    Sun Salutations Warm-ups Complete Set (Classes 1 to 4)

    Enjoy the complete set of 4 yoga classes designed to energise your body or warm you up for a longer Kundalini yoga class. These classes are easy to follow and only take 20-minutes. Join experienced Hatha and Kundalini yoga teacher Patty Kikos.

  • Joint-Freeing Exercise Yoga Class 1

    Joint-Freeing Exercise Yoga Class 1

    Improve your breath and body awareness through gentle exercises (Pawanmuktasana) with experienced teacher - Eve Grzybowski

  • Yoga for Hysterectomy Class 1

    Yoga for Hysterectomy Class 1

    Enjoy good physical and emotional support for any post-abdominal surgery with experienced teacher - Eve Grzybowski

  • Yoga for Osteo Arthritis Class 1

    Yoga for Osteo Arthritis Class 1

    Relieve the condition of hip-arthritis with experienced teacher - Eve Grzybowski

  • Yoga with a Chair Level 1 - Class 1

    Yoga with a Chair Level 1 – Class 1

    Chair Yoga Level 1 is a series of three guided classes designed to support you to maintain and enhance your quality of life. Class 1 is focuses on Breath and Foundation - it covers a centring practice, breath-work, yoga postures, guided-relaxation, and inspiring philosophy, guided by one of Australia's most experienced and funniest yoga teachers - James Bryan from Knoff Yoga School in Cairns.

  • Kundalini Yoga Beginners Class 6

    Kundalini Yoga Beginners Class 6

    Explore the wonders of Kundalini Yoga with experienced teacher Siri Gopal Kaur (Mandy Farmer). This practice is called "Kriya for Disease Resistance" and focuses on building your physical strength, improve your digestion and elimination, strengthening your metabolic balance, and hence building your resistance to disease.

  • Vinyasa Hatha Beginners Class 4

    Vinyasa Hatha Beginners Class 4

    The yoga principles of Ahimsa (‘Non-violence’) and Svadhyaya (knowledge of Self) are integrated in this mindful meditative practice. In this class, Mark O'Brien focuses on alignment and your sense of stability in the postures, and introduces you to some new postures.

  • Kundalini Yoga Beginners Class 1

    Kundalini Yoga Beginners Class 1

    Enjoy a beautiful practice with Siri Gopal Kaur (Mandy Farmer). This practice is called the "Basic Spinal Energy Series" - a simple and easy set to increase the flexibility of your spine. Youth can be defined by the range of movement of your spine

  • Prenatal Yoga Program Class 6

    Prenatal Yoga Program Class 6

    Gentle Restorative Practice A: Ana Davis specifically designed this routine for late pregnancy in preparation for birth. It focuses on hip and pelvic-openers, as well as breath and sound work. This is a soothing and grounding practice. The intensity of the class is gentle.

  • Yoga with a Chair Level 1 - Class 2

    Yoga with a Chair Level 1 – Class 2

    The 2nd in this set of three classes, this class focuses on your Hamstrings & Core Stability - gently stretching your arms, sides and back, increasing mobility through twists, and increasing your core stability. The intention is for you to feel energised, centred, calm and relaxed. Improve your strength and balance. Enjoy this practice with one of Australia's most experienced yoga teachers - James Bryan from Knoff Yoga School in Cairns.

  • Kundalini Yoga Beginners Class 5

    Kundalini Yoga Beginners Class 5

    Enjoy this Kundalini Yoga practice called "Kriya for Morning Sadhana" with experienced teacher Siri Gopal Kaur. It will stretch and strengthen your back, and get the energy moving along your spine.

  • Vinyasa Hatha Beginners Class 3

    Vinyasa Hatha Beginners Class 3

    Cultivate your health and happiness with this gentle class with Mark O'Brien. Get introduced to the concept of Self-Knowledge - which when applied to our practice of yoga, provides a mechanism for us to learn about our self, supporting us to be less judgemental with our actions. From this space, happiness and peace can be cultivated.

  • Kundalini Yoga Beginners Class 2

    Kundalini Yoga Beginners Class 2

    Explore the wonders of Kundalini Yoga with experienced teacher Siri Gopal Kaur (Mandy Farmer). This practice is called "Kriya for Elevation" and is a beautiful way to tune up your physical body. Working internally and externally, it stimulates the lungs, organs of elimination and digestion, increases spine flexibility, circulation and balances the chakras.

  • Yoga for Menstruation Class 1

    Yoga for Menstruation Class 1

    Try this supportive routine by experienced teacher - Ana Davis - it works to soften and release tension in the abdominal area which can ease the discomfort of menstrual cramps.

  • Yoga with a Chair Level 1 - Class 3

    Yoga with a Chair Level 1 – Class 3

    The 3rd in this series, this class focuses on Lateral Stretches & Twists: the focus is on increasing mobility in your arms, and side, and works to stretch your legs, and further develop your core stability. You will exercise your body while stimulating your alertness. One of Australia's most experienced teachers, enjoy a fun quircky session with James Bryan from Knoff Yoga School in Cairns.

  • Kundalini Yoga Beginners Class 4

    Kundalini Yoga Beginners Class 4

    Explore the wonders of Kundalini Yoga with experienced teacher Siri Gopal Kaur (Mandy Farmer). This practice is called "Awakening to your 10 Bodies" and will support you to clean and rebalance all of our bodies to leave you feeling refreshed and revitalised.