Archive for 2019

Chakra basics – The Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra - Swadhisthana ChakraThe sacral Chakra is the key to your identity, creativity and sexuality. Intertwined around these issues is the elusive question ‘who am I?’ It brings forth powerful emotions reflective of the symbol of water (it washes away false assumptions to uncover the truth hidden beneath the surface) and the bright strong colour of orange (the ideas, impulses and desires that spring forth from within).

When the sacral Chakra is functioning harmoniously, you will feel a sense of who you are, and be comfortable in your own skin. This will also flow over into how you relate to others especially the opposite sex. You will find it easy to express your creativity and it will flow like a river through you. You will be participating in your life with joy, awe and enthusiasm for the sheer act of living.

When the sacral Chakra is not functioning harmoniously, you will shy away from any activities that require you to look inside yourself and discover who you are. You will feel like you are missing an intangible ‘something” that you need in order to feel complete and whole. You are likely to be yearning for a fulfilling sexual relationship, and keep looking outside of yourself for the solution. Your creativity will be severely curtailed and may describe yourself as boring or plain. You are unable to see the amazing world around you in all its dazzling colour.

Name: Sacral or Sexual Chakra
Location: Above the genitals
Purpose: Self-image, sexuality, procreation, creativity
Colour: Orange
Sound: Vam
Element: Water
Sense: Taste
Symbol: 6-petaled lotus
Associated parts of body: Reproductive system, circulatory system, bladder

The 7 ChakrasCheck out the rest of the Chakras here!

Chakra Classes

Kundalini Yoga Teacher - Patty Kikos
Join expert teacher, Patty Kikos, in an 8-part journey exploring the Chakras through yoga. Recorded exclusively for, these classes are an excellent practical introduction to the Chakra. Check out the complete set of classes here.

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Chakra basics – The Base Chakra

The Base or Root Chakra - Muladhara ChakraThe base Chakra is aptly named as it represents our most primitive instincts and drive, as well as connecting us with the physical world.

When the base Chakra is functioning harmoniously, you will feel a deep connection with the world around you. You will feel stable and grounded, and want to participate in shaping life on your earth in harmony with nature. In effect, you will have a deep level of trust in the world to provide and find it easy to achieve your goals in this world.

When the base Chakra is not functioning harmoniously, you will find your thoughts gravitating to worrying about your material possessions and security, or find yourself indulging in food, alcohol, sex, etc. It can manifest as a fixation on your own needs without consideration of others.

In its extreme, anger and aggression are likely when you become upset or irritated, which is triggered by the fear of a loss of something that you believe provides you with security or is crucial to your survival. Ultimately this is only a defensive mechanism, highlighting your lack of trust in the world around you.

The key to realigning your base Chakra is realising that the support you need and the connection you crave is avaialble at all times. It is only when you allow your fears and worries to overwhelm you that the base Chakra moves out of alignment.

Name: Muladhara or Base Chakra
Location: Perineum – between the anus and genitals
Purpose: Survival, groundedness, security, self preservation
Colour: Red
Element: Earth
Sense: Smell
Sound: Lam
Symbol: 4-petaled lotus
Associated parts of body: Bones, teeth, nails, anus, rectum, colon, blood

The 7 ChakrasCheck out the rest of the Chakras here!

Chakra Classes

Kundalini Yoga Teacher - Patty Kikos
Join expert teacher, Patty Kikos, in an 8-part journey exploring the Chakras through yoga. Recorded exclusively for, these classes are an excellent practical introduction to the Chakra. Check out the complete set of classes here.


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Chakras basics – what are they?

The world of chakras is one rich with symbolism of all kinds. It is not a world of literal meaning; rather it is one that opens itself up to the individual on many levels of understanding.

For example, the word ‘Chakra’ comes from the sanskrit word for wheel. On one level, the wheel is a circle that turns by itself. The ‘wheel’ reflects that each of the chakras rotates and turn at its own pace, independently of each other. This is symbolic of the cyclically, ever changing nature of life.

Chakras are referred to as lotuses after the beautiful flower. This water plant (similar to a water lily) is itself symbolic of the chakras. The lotus has its roots deep below the surface in the dark muddy depths, while the flower blooms under the golden light of the sun above the water.

The chakras are found in within each of us and are the bridge from the subtle body. Within the subtle body, they are the hubs between the nadis (or energy vessels). The role chakras play is one of receiving, transforming and distributing prana to the various areas of the subtle and physical body – sustaining and developing us as human beings.

These chakras are located along a central vertical axis at the front of the body. When they are aligned and open, there is a higher ability to create a balanced relationship between the human body, mind, and soul.

Traditional writing mentions around 88,000 chakras. There are, however, seven primary chakras – each significantly related to a core human need. The seven chakras and their corresponding location in the subtle body can be visualised from the top of the head down.

Click on any of the chakra images below to find out more.

Muladhara Chakra Swadhisthana Chakra Manipura Chakra Anahata Chakra
The Base Chakra (Muladhara Chakra) The Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana Chakra) The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura Chakra) The Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra)
Vishuddha Chakra Ajna Chakra Sahasrara Chakra The Eighth Chakra: The Aura
The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha Chakra) Third Eye Chakra (Ajna Chakra) The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra) The Aura

Chakra Classes

Kundalini Yoga Teacher - Patty Kikos
Join expert teacher, Patty Kikos, in an 8-part journey exploring the Chakras through yoga. Recorded exclusively for, these classes are an excellent practical introduction to the Chakra. Check out the complete set of classes here.

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