We came across this article recently in the Sydney Morning Herald on the topic of “What Yoga can do for you” and thought it may be of interest.
The study was led by Dr Dhanunjaya Lakkireddy, an associate professor with the University of Kansas Hospital in Kansas City, Kansas and the findings were presented to the annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology held in New Orleans in 2011.
The study focused on 49 patients with the heart rhythm disorder who had no physical limitations and no prior experience with yoga. Their episodes of irregular heartbeat were measured for a six-month period by researchers at the hospital.
The report said that “it appears yoga has a significant impact on helping to regulate patients’ heartbeat and improves the overall quality of life”. The report also cautioned “that larger studies are needed to bear out the findings of his study, and that patients should continue with standard medical therapy.”
For anyone who has practiced yoga regularly these conclusions will not be at all surprising!