Posted by Live Yoga Life in By Teachers, Prenatal Yoga on July 23rd, 2013
For more information about the prenatal yoga teacher training with one of our teachers – Katie Manitsas – click on the image below. Katie runs a weekend workshop twice a year, also called ‘The Yoga of Birth’, which trains yoga teachers to teach pre-natal yoga. It is also the title of Katie’s popular eBook ‘The Yoga of Birth’.
The training is taught by Katie and several guest teachers all of whom are leaders in their fields related to childbirth. If you attend the training a copy of the book is included free of charge. The next training runs August 24th and 25th 2013. Details can be found at or email
Posted by Live Yoga Life in By Teachers, Prenatal Yoga on July 22nd, 2013
For some mothers-to-be pregnancy is a dreamy time of happy anticipation and nesting. For others it is much more challenging – whether because of juggling extreme tiredness, morning sickness, work, the needs of existing family or all of the above!
Here is some gentle advice that I have found serves most pregnant women:
1. Eat well
This first tip may seem totally obvious but it’s so easy not to do. If you are suffering morning sickness you may get caught up in some bad patterns like for example succumbing to sugar cravings (and then getting caught up in the ups and downs of high / low blood sugar levels that come with them) or eating more junk food than you usually would. In my own personal experience I have found that eating a high sugar or low quality diet when I’m struggling with morning sickness really doesn’t help. I might feel like my body is craving a sugar hit but if I can avoid it and go for something more nourishing and energy sustaining I almost always feel so much better for it. Green smoothies and juices have done wonders for me when struggling with morning sickness and have a very high nutrient density. I’ve also found a hearty breakfast even if I don’t feel like eating balances me out for the rest of the day better than if I skip brekkie. Think nourishing wholesome, vegetarian wholefoods and you can’t go far wrong. Carry healthy snacks around with you such as nuts, home made muesli bars or fruit so you don’t get caught out and about with nothing nourishing to eat (this is a good habit to get into for when you have young children around too!)
2. Rest when you can
I found this so challenging in my first pregnancy and when I was a ‘new mother’. In pregnancy we often feel we have to keep going regardless of the messages our body may be giving us to slow down. Try to find time in the day to rest, even if you are at work – download a Yoga Nidra recording onto your MP3 players (try Guided Relaxation from Sharon Gannon at and lie down somewhere quiet to listen to it in your lunch break. If you are pregnant and working try not to overschedule your evenings and ‘down time’. The more you rest now the more you are building reserves in the energy bank for those challenging first few months of motherhood.
3. Be in the moment
This is such a cliché but nonetheless it’s true! It’s so very easy to wish pregnancy away. We’re anticipating meeting our little one for the first time, we may be feeling pretty yucky, and towards the end most women experiences a desire to ‘get this baby out of me!!’ that’s a sure sign labour will be coming soon. Amidst all of this try to take time to smell the roses. Pregnancy is a unique and precious experience and even if it’s challenging you won’t always be feeling the way you do. In our busy lives we often forget to ‘check in’ with how our bodies are feeling and even how we’re doing emotionally. Pregnancy might be a great time to start a journal or treat yourself to a regular massage or set up a meditation routine. However you do it it’s important to take time to connect and ‘just be’. Many studies have shown that pregnancy women who do this adjust to motherhood more easily.
4. Nest and nurture
Especially towards the end of your pregnancy take some time out to spring clean your home, make your environment beautiful and nurture yourself. Get a good friend to help you. Set up your kitchen with teas and herbs that will nourish you post-natally (when it might be harder to get out to the shops). You might also want to consider the beautiful ritual of having a ‘Blessingway’ around this time. Read ‘Mother Rising: The Blessingway Journey into Motherhood’ by Yan Cortlund for more information.
5. Let go of guilt
In the yoga tradition there is no word for ‘guilt’. I mean that quite literally – in the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit there is no word that directly translates as ‘guilt’. Instead the idea of actions and consequences or results is emphasized. Guilt is a phenomenon of the developed world and also one that is quite linked to my generation of parents I think. It’s almost as though we have too many resources and too much information and no matter what you do there is a voice out there somewhere (or a little voice inside your head) saying you could have done differently and usually better. This as true of the journey of pregnancy as it is of the journey of parenthood. Give yourself a break! No good comes of feeling guilty especially when you are doing your absolute best in a situation.
Katie Manitsas is the author of ‘The Yoga of Birth’ and director of Jivamukti Yoga Sydney. She is mother of two young boys and a practicing doula. Katie runs a weekend workshop twice a year, also called ‘The Yoga of Birth’, which trains yoga teachers to teach pre-natal yoga. The training is taught by Katie and several guest teachers all of whom are leaders in their fields related to childbirth. If you attend the training a copy of the book is included free of charge. The next training runs August 24th and 25th 2013. Details can be found at or email
Posted by Live Yoga Life in By Teachers, Prenatal Yoga on February 23rd, 2012
For more information about the prenatal yoga teacher training with one of our teachers – Katie Manitsas – click on the image below. It is a weekend course for yoga teachers to learn how to teach yoga to pregnant women and is being run by Jivamukti Yoga Sydney.
Posted by Live Yoga Life in New Product Release, Prenatal Yoga, Updates on February 4th, 2011
We have just released the complete set of seven Prenatal Classes are your supportive companions. You get the complete set of 7 classes for the price of 6 classes!
Practice to any of these specially designed classes anytime & throughout the duration of your pregnancy. They cover the fundamentals of posture & breath-work, postures for birth-preparation, lateral stretches & hip-openers, energy-building, core & sacral stability for birth, plus 2 x restorative sessions for those tired days. Everything you need to support you in your pregnancy and beyond.
Created by renowned Byron Bay teacher Ana Davis – she brings her highly-in-demand skill & expertise to you, wherever you are. No previous yoga experience required.
PLEASE NOTE: This program is suitable for anyone in their second and third trimester. It is especially important that before commencing any yoga during your pregnancy please refer to the Pre-natal Introductory Audio for safety information.
For post-pregnancy recover: Check out Postnatal Yoga Program Complete Set (Classes 1 to 8) by experienced post natal yoga teacher Ana Davis. This set of classes will support you recover quickly and regain your strength. This period can be challenging, and these resources are designed to provide you with valuable emotional and mental stability.
Posted by Live Yoga Life in By Teachers, Prenatal Yoga on January 27th, 2010
Written by Ana Davis
Previously published on Australian Yoga Life magazine July 2007 Issue no.18. Visit Australian Yoga Life at This article is best viewed in PDF format as the original contains images – PDF Article: The Yoga of Motherhood.
Most people know the importance of yoga during pregnancy, but there is less awareness of how yoga can enhance the mother’s physical and mental wellbeing once the baby is born. In this brief guide for new and experienced yogis, Ana Davis explores how yoga can help provide a fresh perspective on the challenges of new motherhood.
In the sleep deprived haze of new motherhood, I felt that I had lost my former life. The endless tasks involved in caring for my newborn saw me say goodbye to my precious daily yoga practice. As a yoga teacher and long time practitioner, this was a big adjustment.
It was only when I came to see the journey of motherhood as the ultimate act of devotional yoga, that I was able to surrender and release any feelings of resentment about the irreversible changes to the landscape of my daily routines.
Instead of looking at the clock and wishing I could be on my yoga mat while I patted my baby to sleep for sometimes up to an hour, I found I needed to make a conscious decision to soften into the moment and make this my yoga. “This is my yoga”, I said, as a silent mantra to myself, “He is my yoga.” This moment by moment experience of holding my baby close afforded me the opportunity to breathe deeply and feel the warmth from my heart and solar plexus centres permeating into his soft little body.
Centring and connection
With this shift in my thinking about the ‘yoga of motherhood’, I was also able to accept that my asana (posture) practice needed to be shaped around my baby centred chores. Flexibility was the key. Instead of fighting against my limited time, I utilised every spare moment to get back on the yoga mat while my baby slept or was being minded by someone else. The beauty of yoga as a way of promoting mind-body wellness for busy new mums is that we can do it at home, in our living room. It’s an ideal postnatal form of exercise as it is gentle and broad enough in its repertoire so that it can be sensitively adapted to the changing needs of each woman. It is also safe and beneficial even for an absolute beginner.
I discovered that a lot could be achieved in a mere 20 or 30 minutes home practice: a complete and rounded practice that left me feeling refreshed, nourished and ready to return to the demands of mothering and running a yoga studio.
Conversely, Sydney yoga teacher Alexis Stewart didn’t practice any yoga at all for the first six months after the birth of her son. She found that, as a consequence, she crashed mentally, physically and emotionally. “The worst of it was that I didn’t feel like ‘myself’ and yet I couldn’t remember how it was that I used to feel,” reflects Alexis. “I just knew that I didn’t feel like ‘me’.”
In the years since, Alexis has observed the many benefits that new mothers in her classes, experienced and novices alike, have received. She believes that new mums often lose their connection with the present moment because they are so busy and exhausted and get lost amidst their chores. “So yoga is a time to slow the whole show down,” Alexis says. “By being in their bodies and watching their breath, they are brought into the present moment of ‘being’. It is ‘being’ that the soul craves, and the more we are able to be, the more balanced we feel.”
Many women are introduced to yoga for the first time when they attend pregnancy classes or, for an increasing number, their entrée into the joys and rewards of yoga may be through attending a Mums ‘n’ Bubs yoga class. Perhaps this is because these unique classes are baby friendly, allowing the mum to bring her baby to class.
Jayne Hughes, one of the mothers in the Mums ‘n’ Bubs yoga classes at Bondi Bliss Yoga Studio, found postnatal yoga a godsend. She enjoyed the sense of community offered by yoga classes designed especially for new mums and their babies.
“I loved the special time and space these postnatal classes created for us in the early days and also the wonderful mums and bubs I’ve met through the classes,” Jayne recalls.
A valuable skill that many of the mothers in these classes learn is how to relax – even amidst the cacophony of noises of a room full of babies. As Jayne found, this was a practical skill she was able to then apply within the context of her busy home life.
“I was able to give myself short relaxation sessions despite everything going on around me – dirty nappies, housework etc. – to relax and turn off and find my own quiet space”, says Jayne.
What Byron Bay mum, Renee Adams-Cook enjoys about attending postnatal yoga classes is that she feels like she is doing something for herself. “The classes are not too strenuous for a new mum, but at the same time, I still feel like I’m doing exercise and getting the benefits,” Renee says.
An overwrought new mother may be resistant to doing anything that might take her away from her many baby related obligations. However, in my experience, as well as that of many of my students and colleagues, yoga can actually help her care for her baby better.
If the mother practices yoga techniques that nurture her, then it only increases her energy and vitality to keep on giving back to her child. As Jayne Hughes says, “The classes helped me to keep my own mental health in sight as an important element of mothering, particularly in those early days.”
Nurturing and restoration
In the first six weeks or so after childbirth, a woman’s yoga practice needs to be gentle and nurturing. Pranayama (breathing techniques), relaxation and supported restorative postures will form the basis of her practice. These practices will help her rest and rejuvenate on a deep level. This very gentle approach to postnatal yoga makes it ideal for the first time practitioner to experience how yoga can help in the healing process.
There is no need for the mother to rush onto the gym treadmill or back to her favourite Ashtanga class in an attempt to lose the baby weight. In fact, strong exercise, if performed too early or rigorously, can be counter productive and can contribute towards injury and even burn-out.
Instead, she can take this opportunity to practice the yogic concept of ahimsa. Ahimsa or nonviolence means not only cultivating gentleness towards others but also compassion towards oneself. This is where restorative yoga poses come to the fore: deeply restful postures with plenty of support, from bolsters, cushions, blankets or blocks. Judith Lasater’s classic book Relax & Renew is a great way to acquaint you with these poses.
Perth based yoga teacher and mum, Kiah Hamersley found she experienced gentle back bending and shoulder opening effects from the pose Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining bound angle pose) over a bolster. “I loved it for the the calm, measured breathing it seemed to induce and the opportunity it gave me to put the eye bag on and rest,” says Kiah. “I think I even went to sleep in the pose (legs supported on pillows) when I did it in bed! Which may sound bizarre but it really helped me get into a deep sleep quickly.”
One of my own favourites after the birth of my son, Marley, two years ago, was Supta Virasana (Reclining hero pose) supported on a bolster, to passively stretch my quadriceps and psoas. As is common, these had become tight from the lower back being moved into exaggerated lumbar lordosis (swayed lower back) in the latter months of pregnancy. I also found this pose beneficial for its gentle stretching and opening of the abdominal area that had been so cramped from sharing the space with the baby in utero.
After bleeding stops, the restorative pose, Viparita Karani (Legs up the wall pose) with the bottom supported on a folded blanket or bolster, is a wonderful pose that can be practiced on its own at any time to receive the benefits of an inversion as well as facilitating deep breathing. It is extremely rejuvenating and therapeutic for the lower back. See ‘The First 6 Weeks’ for other safe and effective poses.
While in a supported pose or sitting or lying in relaxation, the emphasis is on lengthening and deepening the inhalation during the early postnatal weeks. I found the viloma pranayama (interval breathing) with emphasis on the three part inhalation especially helpful. (See pull out box for instructions). Focusing on the inhalations can help energise and build optimism which can be beneficial for counteracting the lethargy and negativity that can accompany sleep deprivation. As time goes on, women can shift their focus to longer exhalations which engender relaxation and the letting go of mental and physical tension.
Strength and stability From six weeks onwards, the body has had some time for restoration of the uterus and energy levels begin to return. The mother can now focus on some stronger poses that will enhance her energy and continue the work of knitting back the birthing muscles pelvic floor and deep abdominals.
Strengthening the core muscles will also be beneficial in supporting a weakened back, which is essential to help combat the relentless forward bending postural strains caused by carrying and caring for her baby. I found a blend of yoga and pilates very effective in returning strength and stability to my core. (see ‘6 Weeks Onwards’ page xx for some beneficial poses).
After a Caesarean Section, a woman should wait till the wound has completely healed, usually about two months, before embarking on abdominal toning or any of the stronger yoga poses.
Many women enjoy poses that help release tight upper back and shoulders caused by the endless hours of breastfeeding. See ‘Breast Feeding Counter-poses’ above for poses that help release tension and in build stability in this area, and counterbalance a tendency towards postural kyphosis (rounding of the upper back.
Enjoy your baby and your yoga
Originating from the ancient Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is the concept of Isvara pranidhana, which can be interpreted as ‘surrender to the divine or a higher power’. To flow more harmoniously with the demands of new motherhood, there needs to be an ongoing melting of the ego. As BKS Iyengar points out: “In bhakti or true love there is no place for ‘I’ and ‘mine’. When the feeling of ‘I’ and ‘mine’ disappears, the individual soul has reached full growth.”
Now, as a busy, single mother to a rambunctious toddler, this wonderful tool called ‘yoga’ continues to help boost my joy levels on a daily basis. I relish the opportunities that motherhood has presented so far to embody the rich philosophy of yoga, both on and off the mat.
Linda Sparrows and Patricia Walden. The Woman’s Book of Yoga & Health, 2002
Laura Staton and Sarah Perron. Baby Om-Yoga for Mothers & Babies, 2003
BKS Iyengar. Light on Yoga, 1991 Bernard Bouanchaud. The Essence of Yoga-Reflections on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, 1997
Francoise Barbira Freedman. Yoga for Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond, 2004
Judith Lasater. Relax & Renew-Restful Yoga for Stressful Times, 1995