The Yoga of Birth (eBook) by Katie Manitsas
“Contains so many beautiful gems of wisdom for mothers… Every woman will find divine guidance in these pages”
– Suraj K Khalsa, President of the Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association NSW.
This book shows that yoga is as relevant and useful on the mat at a studio as it is during pregnancy and the early years of a child’s life.
As any parent knows having a child is an anxious time but nervous mums can find guidance in this book which deals with everything from staying healthy during pregnancy to information on food for infants.
Katie Manitsas tackles subjects in the book that many others are afraid of and gives frank and honest advice on immunisation and diet.
Katie is uniquely placed to give advice and break new ground in applying yoga to child birth given her own experience raising two boys Christos and Ziggy while juggling a business and publishing career.
She is also the only advanced certified Jivamukti yoga teacher in Australia and is the Director of Jivamukti Sydney (formerly known as Samadhi) which is pioneering this global yoga style in Australia.
Katie became a vegetarian when she was just ten years old and is now a vegan. With her business partners she opened the Earth Vegan Cafe which has been credited with sustainable business awards. Katie has previously written two books ‘Spiritual Survival in the City’ and ‘Yoga Off the Mat’.