When I started practising yoga it was with no background as to what it was all about and what was involved. My first introduction to yoga was in a class where my partner had invited me to. It was full of strange terms and even more strange exercises.
Initially I found it hard to understand as it was so foreign to what I had experienced until then. It took me several months to be comfortable with the postures. I wondered at the time whether there was a more effective way to learn about yoga.
When we started to get material together for www.liveyogalife.com one of the things I had on my to-do list was get several of Australia’s best yoga teachers to record their best beginners yoga program. This would be a series of classes that took an absolute beginners – with no experience of yoga at all – to being comfortable with attending a beginners level yoga class at their local yoga studio.
We were blessed with two such programs:
Both of these set of classes are perfect for anyone with no experience of yoga and a low level of fitness.