Check out this new release – the complete set of 6 vinyasa hatha yoga classes.
Designed for complete beginners or someone new to yoga who wants a proper introduction. This is the complete set of six classes that introduce you to breathing, body awareness, and some yoga postures that form part of Hatha Vinyasa Yoga.
This program is perfect for anyone who has never done yoga before or someone new to yoga who wants a proper introduction. It assumes no prior knowledge and will take you step-by-step through each aspect of the practice.
This program is a great way to gain the skills and/or confidence to attend a yoga class in your local community. The principles behind this program are at the heart of yoga – how to bring harmony to every aspect of ourselves, and developing awareness of our physical, emotional, and psychological nature. Its aim is one of transformation and spiritual happiness – something which is often missing in our modern day lives.
As each class builds upon the material in the previous classes, you will have the opportunity to see your healthy and well-being increase over the course of the program.
Class 1 – provides you with a gentle introduction to Hatha Vinyasa Yoga, and focuses on breath and body awareness.
Class 2 – introduces you to the distinction between good and bad stretches in a yoga practice. He explores the yoga principles of Ahimsa (‘Non-violence’), as well as breath awareness, gentle stretches and foundation postures of the sun salute.
Class 3 – in this practice you are encouraged to suspending judgement on how you perform, incorporating self-observation with Ahimsa which was introduced in the previous class – meaning non-violence to others and towards yourself.
Class 4 – focuses on alignment and your sense of stability in the postures, and introduces you to some new postures.
Class 5 – focuses on being focused and relaxed during your yoga practice, and will reinforce the concepts of alignment and stability from the previous class.
Class 6 – introduces you to more basic yoga postures, comfortable awareness of the breath, and lengthening & strengthening the spine.