Yoga Synergy Open Series Complete Set (Classes 1 to 4)
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  • Yoga Synergy Open Series Complete Set (Classes 1 to 4)
  • Yoga Synergy Open Series Complete Set (Classes 1 to 4)
  • Yoga Synergy Open Series Complete Set (Classes 1 to 4)

Yoga Synergy Open Series Complete Set (Classes 1 to 4)


This series of classes can be practised separately or in combination.

OPTION 1: Complete class 1 and then lie down in savasana (relaxation) for 10-15 minutes.

OPTION 2: Complete class 1 together with either Class 2 or 3, followed by savasana for 10-15mins.

OPTION 3: Do option 2 and finish with class 4. It is a gentle practice designed to cool you down and finish off your practice from Class 2 or 3.

OPTION 4: Do any of the classes by themselves (they are all complete classes by themselves) followed by savasana for 10-15mins.

Yoga Synergy Open Class 1: Introductory Practice. This class focuses on some basic standing postures, as well as wrist flexes & lateral stretches that work on lengthening & strengthening the body, and rejuvenating the spine.

This class is designed as a warm up for the whole body and is suitable for people new to yoga.

Yoga Synergy Open Class 2: Grounding & Standing Postures. This class focuses strengthening the legs, and developing your sense of groundedness.

This is a more dynamic practice designed for experienced practitioners and ideally follows the warm-up segment from Open Class 1.

Yoga Synergy Open Class 3: Floor Postures. This class focuses on forward bends, back bends and core-strengthening. This class builds on work from Classes 1 & 2.

This is a more dynamic practice designed for experienced practitioners, and ideally follows the warm-up segment in Open Class 1, and dynamic practice from Open Class 2.

Yoga Synergy Open Class 4: Gentle Practice. This class is designed to be suitable as a one-off exercise for beginners. It is also ideal as a cool down to complete a more dynamic and longer practice flowing from Classes 1, 2 & 3.

This practice focuses on twists, gentle backbends, hip-openers, and breathing exercises.

This is set of 4 open level classes and total length is 131 minutes.
