Kundalini Yoga Chakra Program Class 2
Class 2 – The Sacral Chakra: This practice is for the second chakra, the Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana Chakra) – the energetic centre located around the lower abdomen. The colour associated with this chakra is orange. It is represented by the element of water. On a physical level, these set of exercises focus on the area around your spleen, bladder, kidneys, liver, and reproductive organs.

This practice or kriya is the second of an 8-set series of classes designed to revitalise the 8 Chakras. The intention of this Program is to provide you with the tools to ensure your 8 energy centres are healthy, open and active.
When an energy centre is blocked or inactive it can lead to imbalance and disease in the body. These classes can support you to regain your balance or improve an aspect of your energy that you wish to focus on.
This is an open level class and is 75 minutes in length.