Posts Tagged Patty Kikos

Kundalini Yoga Spring Clean Workshop with Patty Kikos

Kundalini Yoga Teacher - Patty Kikos

Join Patty Kikos for a Kundalini yoga workshop that will help you shift your perspective, boost your nervous system and renew your spirit for spring on Friday 20 September from 6.00pm – 8.00pm at Jivamukti Yoga Sydney, Newtown NSW.

Together, you will experience a beautiful sequence that will cleanse & rejuvenate the liver meridian and help you release the heavy emotions you no longer wish to carry. The practice is done at your own pace and with your eyes closed which makes it open to all levels and personality types.

Past workshops have sold out so bookings are essential in securing your place and avoiding disappointment. Visit Patty’s website for more information and to book.

Kundalini Yoga Spring Clean Workshop with Patty Kikos


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Chakra Balance Course with Patty Kikos

Kundalini Yoga Teacher - Patty Kikos

Join Patty Kikos for a 8-week Chakra balance course starting on Thursday 22 August 2013 from 6.00pm – 7.30pm in Bronte, Sydney NSW.

In this Spring-focused 8-week chakra balance course, Patty focuses on increasng the energy of your vital organs so that you feel stable, abundant, sensual, free, spontaneous, creative, confident, loving, expressive, intuitive and inspired.

During the spring months, Patty’s course will gently and lovingly energise each vital organ so that you have the physical energy and mental clarity to appreciate and enjoy the longer days.

The last courses both sold out so bookings are essential in securing your place and avoiding disappointment. Visit Patty’s website for more information and to book.

Chakra Balance Course with Patty Kikos


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New Product Release: Kundalini Yoga Chakra Program Complete Set

Experienced Kundalini Yoga Teacher - Patty Kikos

Check out this new release – the complete set of 8 Kundalini Yoga Chakra Open Level Classes.

This complete program provides you with the tools to ensure your 8 energy centres are healthy, open and active.

When an energy centre is blocked or inactive it can lead to imbalance and disease in the body. These classes can support you to regain your balance or improve an aspect of your energy that you wish to focus on.

Muladhara ChakraClass 1 – The Base Chakra. This practice is for a healthy and revitalised Base Chakra (Muladhara Chakra). It is a set of exercises called the “Healthy Bowel System” – designed to work on the body’s cleansing and digestive system, relating to the organs located at the base of the spine. Energetically, it works with your sense of safety, stability and security. The colour associated with this chakra is the colour red.

Swadhisthana ChakraClass 2 – The Sacral Chakra: This practice is for the second chakra, the Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana Chakra) – the energetic centre located around the lower abdomen. The colour associated with this chakra is orange. It is represented by the element of water. On a physical level, these set of exercises focus on the area around your spleen, bladder, kidneys, liver, and reproductive organs.

Manipura ChakraClass 3 – The Solar Plexus Chakra: This practice or kriya is for the third chakra, the Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura Chakra) located right below the navel and the base of the sternum. This energetic centre relates to the digestive system, liver, gallbladder, and the pancreas. It relates to our drive and effective will. The colour associated with this chakra is yellow.

Anahata ChakraClass 4 – Heart Chakra: This open level class introduces you to the Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra). It is a practice referred to as the “Heart Connection Kriya” – a practice designed to strengthen your lungs and circulation, strengthen your arms, and work with the energy centre around the region of the heart, with the intention of supporting you to have a healthy heart chakra. The colour associated with this energy centre is green.

Vishuddha ChakraClass 5 – Throat Chakra: This open level class revitalises the Throat Chakra (Vishuddha Chakra). It is a practice called the “Creativity Kriya” – a routine designed to strengthen your neck muscles, enhance your communication and thyroid gland, and work with the energy centre around the throat. This chakra is associated with the element of sound, and with the colour blue.

Ajna ChakraClass 6 – Ajna Chakra (Third Eye): This open level class is for a healthy Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna Chakra). It is a practice called the “Ajna Stimulation Kriya”, and is designed to help you develop your eye-sight, your intuition, and work with clearing the energy around the third-eye point between your eyebrows. The colour associated with this energy centre is purple.

Sahasrara ChakraClass 7 – Sahasrara Chakra: This open level class is for a healthy Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra). This is a practice called the “Foundation for Infinity Kriya”. This practice is designed to help you with calming any busy mental activity, and work with the energy centre around the crown of the head.

The Eighth Chakra: The AuraClass 8 – The Aura: This open level class is to promote harmonised energy in your Eighth Chakra – your Aura. This is a practice called the “Electromagnetic Field and Aura Perception Kriya” – a practise designed to help you with your presence and projection to the world, and work with the energy that surrounds your whole physical body.

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New Product Release: Sun Salutations Warm-ups Complete Set

Experienced Kundalini Yoga Teacher - Patty Kikos

Check out this new release – the complete set of 4 Sun Salutation Yoga Open Level Classes.

Getting ready for your day and want to get energised? Or are you about to commence your Kundalini Practice and want to get warmed-up?

Developed by experienced Kundalini and Hatha teacher Patty Kikos, these 4 short 20-minute routines are the perfect way to warm-up for your day ahead or your kundalini kriya.

Patty Kikos is a teacher trainer for Kundalini Yoga teacher training in Australia, and designed is open-level program for anyone who wants to energise their body at any time of their day.

Class 1: This class takes you through the several sets of sun salutations to energise and warm you up for your day ahead or before starting a Kundalini Kriya (practice).

Class 2: This class covers the Sun Salutes with floor poses such as Cat and Cow Pose that energise the movement of breath in the body. It will also release tension in your back and shoulders.

Class 3: This class uses the energising sun salutations series together with lunge variations and twists to open up your hips and warm up your stomach muscles and meridians.

Class 4: This class uses the sun salutes to explore plank variations and low cobra pose. This short warm-up will give your energy a boost, getting you ready for your day ahead or for a full Kundalini practice.

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