Posted by Live Yoga Life in Updates, Yoga Events on April 11th, 2012 10:08 pm
Yoga Aid Australian Challenge will be on in a venue near you on 9 September 2012.
The Challenge is a special, 2 hour yoga practice held in hundreds of locations worldwide. In large events such as capital cities, the Challenge is lead by a series of 12 teachers, many of whom are internationally renowned. In community events (held in local areas by yogis from the community) the Challenge is lead by teachers from a variety of local studios.
Whilst attendance is free, participants fund raise for charity in the lead up to the event.
You can do your part by registering for an event near you. In the spirit of using the local to change the global, the charity partners are regionally specific. Often smaller, community driven projects.
To ensure the maximum benefit goes to those who need it most – Yoga Aid has developed an online fund-raising vehicle on their website, which is easy to use, secure, and ensures 100% of donations go straight to charity. All expenses are supported privately: Yoga Aid takes no deductions from any donations for the running of the organisation or events.
So join us today by registering for an event in your local community.
Posted by Live Yoga Life in Yoga Events on March 14th, 2012 11:01 pm
For anyone looking to expand their knowledge of yoga or try out some different yoga styles – you must check out the Yoga Australia Teachers’ Conference 2012.
The conference is being held at the Novotel Sydney Manly Pacific in Sydney on 28-29 April 2012.
The theme ‘Unity in Diversity’ has been set to celebrate our uniqueness while acknowledging the essential message of oneness and unity that is yoga.
Leading Keynote speakers, master-classes, teaching specialisation, and workshops on philosophy, practices, teaching skills and the latest science will form the foundation of the weekend conference. In keeping with the meaning of “yoga” – this event brings together a smorgasbord of different styles and traditions.
The speakers include two of’s yoga teachers – Eve Grzybowski and Mark O’Brien
Click here to register for the Yoga Australia Teachers’ Conference 2012.
Posted by Live Yoga Life in Meditation, Yoga for Seniors, Yoga Therapy on March 4th, 2012 5:26 pm
We recently came across an article about meditation in the Sydney Morning Herald. The article centred around a new study that found that meditation was more effective than drugs.
The article stated that “This is the first study to show that only a little over an hour of meditation training can dramatically reduce both the experience of pain and pain-related brain activation … We found a big effect – about a 40 per cent reduction in pain intensity and a 57 per cent reduction in pain unpleasantness. Meditation produced a greater reduction in pain than even morphine or other pain-relieving drugs, which typically reduce pain ratings by about 25 per cent.”
Posted by Live Yoga Life in By Teachers, Prenatal Yoga on February 23rd, 2012 8:47 pm
For more information about the prenatal yoga teacher training with one of our teachers – Katie Manitsas – click on the image below. It is a weekend course for yoga teachers to learn how to teach yoga to pregnant women and is being run by Jivamukti Yoga Sydney.
Posted by Live Yoga Life in By Teachers, Styles of Yoga, Updates on January 22nd, 2012 6:55 pm
Check out our latest release – Vinyasa Hatha Shiva Shakti Yoga Routine 1 by Vinyasa Hatha yoga expert, Grant Wolf.
Grant’s shiva shakti yoga class is designed to take you through an overall yoga journey. If you can, try to face east with your mat when commencing your practice.
As a holistic practice, this class goes through standing postures, twists, gentle backbends, hip-openers, inversions, and breathing exercises.
This program is designed for individuals with previous yoga experience, and intermediate practitioners.
Live Yoga Life has a wide range of MP3 yoga classes, yoga ebooks and yoga books available for you to download:
Posted by Live Yoga Life in Updates on December 23rd, 2011 12:35 pm
2011 has been great year for us at! We hope 2011 has been just as rewarding for you.
We wish you all of the best for the festive season. Safe travelling, and enjoy spending time with family and friends.
All the best for an exciting and amazing 2012!
The team at