Posted by Live Yoga Life in Beginners, By Teachers, Styles of Yoga, Updates on October 10th, 2013 8:43 pm
Beautiful Kundalini yoga teacher Siri Gopal Kaur has compiled this series of seven classes suitable for all levels of ability.
Kundalini Yoga incorporates pranayama (breathwork), mantra (chanting), dynamic movement, mudra and meditative focus to balance your energetic body and fine tune your physical body. Kundalini Yoga is said to be “the mother of all yoga”, the yoga of awareness.
Classes are available individually (see below) or as a Complete 7-Class Set at a discounted price.
CLASS 1 – Basic Spinal Energy Series. This class is an easy practice designed to increase the flexibility of your spine. Youth can be defined by the range of movement of your spine – age is no excuse! Keep moving and maintain your youthful flexibility.
CLASS 2 – Kriya for Elevation. This class is a beautiful way to tune up your physical body. Working internally and externally, it stimulates the lungs, organs of elimination and digestion, increases spine flexibility, circulation and balances the chakras.
CLASS 3 – Surya (Sun) Kriya. This class works to enhance your sun energy. When you have a lot of sun energy you don’t get cold, you are energetic, expressive, extroverted and enthusiastic. It’s the energy of purification, it hold the weight down, it aids digestion, it makes the mind clear, analytic and action-orientated. The exercises in the class will systematically stimulate the positive pranic force and the kundalini energy itself.
CLASS 4 – Awakening to your 10 Bodies. The ten bodies are: Soul Body, Negative Mind, Positive Mind, Neutral Mind, Physical Body, Arc Line, Auric Body, Pranic Body, Subtle Body, and Radiant Body. This class will support you to clean and rebalance all of our bodies to leave you feeling refreshed and revitalised.
CLASS 5 – Kriya for Morning Sadhana. This class is a beautiful kriya to get your energy moving. It will stretch and strengthen your back, and get the energy moving along your spine. It is an excellent series of postures to do after you wake up in the morning or before bed at night.
CLASS 6 – Kriya for Disease Resistance. This class focuses on building your physical strength, improve your digestion and elimination, strengthening your metabolic balance, and hence building your resistance to disease.
CLASS 7 – Pituitary Gland Series. This class is designed to cleanse and balance the pituitary gland, which is known as the ‘Master Gland’ as it controls the entire glandular system which includes the thyroid, parathyroids, adrenals, pancreas and reproductive glands. is an online yoga studio offering MP3 yoga and meditation classes for a wide range of styles, interests and levels.
Posted by Live Yoga Life in Personal Growth, Updates on October 2nd, 2013 4:33 pm
Recently I came across an introductory video for a book I first read in 2005 called “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz. It was the first book which opened by eyes to how much better I can live my life if I only took some time to get in touch with my inner world and let it guide my actions.
This is the opposite to the method I had been using up to this point which involved trying to find meaning in my life from the outer world. As you can probably tell, trying to find meaning from the chaotic going-ons in the outer world is fraught with problems and is not a good reference point for inner happiness.
In the book, Don Miguel Ruiz reveals that the source of our needless suffering, and which robs us of joy, is our acceptance of self-limiting beliefs. The book outlines and explains how four very simple agreements can signficantly reduce our suffering and bring great joy into our life. These “Four Agreements” are: “Be impeccable with your word”, “Don’t take anything personally”, “Don’t make assumptions” and “Always do your best”.
I highly recommend the book to anyone seeking a better way to live. As a starter check out the introductory video which outlines what the book is about. is an online yoga studio offering MP3 yoga and meditation classes for a wide range of styles, interests and levels.
Posted by Live Yoga Life in Updates, Yoga Events on September 20th, 2013 9:19 pm
Jivamukti yoga immersions are for students from any yoga discipline as well as for Jivamukti yoga teachers, advanced certified Jivamukti yoga teachers, Yogeswari will take you deeper into the study of Jivamukti yoga and its five tenants.
Ahimsa – Non-violence and compassion towards all beings
Bhakti – offering everything you do to something greater
Dhyana – meditation as a means of serving the greater whole
Sastra – the study of ancient scriptures
Nada yoga – integration of music, singing and deep listening
8-10 November 2013
9am to 5pm for all three days
Booked before 1 October 2013 – $390
After this date – $440
Booking are essential
For more details and booking can be found or email
Posted by Live Yoga Life in Marketing on September 20th, 2013 8:41 am
In a recent newsletter from Yoga Reach, Brook McCarthy (@YogaReach) provided links to several excellent blog posts for yoga teachers who want to better market themselves or who want to run a better studio.
We picked up on a few excellent tips to improve our business and encourage you to check them out.
1. How yoga studios can attract fantastic yoga teachers.
2. How yoga teachers can better appeal to studio owners.
3. It’s not you, it’s your business model – where you’re doing everything “right” but still not making enough money.
4. Make business easy – there are just three major components of any business, and when you’ve got these sorted… has a wide range of MP3 yoga classes available:
Posted by Live Yoga Life in Updates, Yoga Events on September 12th, 2013 7:42 pm
The Bondi Yoga Festival is back again on 17th November 2013 at Bondi Beach, Sydney.
The Bondi Yoga Festival explores the different styles and traditions of Yoga from several of the world’s most inspiring teachers including’s Simon Borg-Olivier and Mark O’Brien. Yoga is for everyone, and the festival will have a great selection of classes at the festival suitable for all levels of experience from beginners to advanced.
Experience a variety of Local and International music artists at the festival. We will feature a range of inspiring, positive bands and a range of exciting groovy music from ecstatic Kirtan-Chants to Alternative-Rock and Groovy Roots & Reggae. Its all fun and dance at the Bondi Yoga Festival.
We will invite local Vegetarian, Vegan and Raw cafe’s in Sydney to provide a variety of delicious food the festival. We aim to provide deliciously-healthy choices for our attendees. The Bondi Yoga Festival will also feature an exciting range of Wellness & Lifestyle activities like Massage, Aromatherapy, Funky Art, Fashion, Clothing and Music within our Vendor Village.
Click here to find out more about the Bondi Yoga Festival. has a wide range of MP3 yoga classes available:
Posted by Live Yoga Life in Yoga Events on September 4th, 2013 10:00 am
The Evolve Yoga and Music Festival is back again on 5th October 2013 in Byron Bay.
It is a yoga spectacular with 8 session rooms hosting over 60 workshops and classes with some of the most experienced national and international teachers, plus an outdoor concert, marketplace and delicious yogi treats!
Click here to find out more about the Evolve Yoga and Music Festival in Byron Bay. has a wide range of MP3 yoga classes available: