Posted by Live Yoga Life in Updates, Yoga Events on February 12th, 2014 8:48 pm
Sacred Earth – Music for Inner Peace – are currently touring around the east coast of Australia, and are performing on Saturday 22nd February 2014 at a retreat centre near Canberra (Australia). They are an amazing group and we are looking forward to see them later this month. For more details go to
Posted by Live Yoga Life in Personal Growth on January 14th, 2014 6:03 am
For 2014, how about starting it clean and fresh? Before planning or expending any time, energy or money on any “how-to-do” steps, why not take a step back and be clear about the most fundamental of questions. What do I want?
This is the most important question you can ask yourself, and for some people it is the toughest question to answer.
In its purest form you need to ask whether what you want is something you really want for yourself, or whether it’s something you think you want based on what others want or what others will “approve of”.
It would seem that only when I am clear with what I really want in my heart-of-hearts, that whatever I create flow effortlessly, get executed joyfully and in an inspiring way. And in the end, it leaves me feeling truly satisfied and happy with how the journey unfolded AND the outcome I created.
“What I want” doesn’t have to be a huge mammoth of a goal or involve large life changing decisions. It can be little things, such as what I want to eat for breakfast, how I want my living room or kitchen to look like, or deciding to get up to do a simple asana practice to get my prana flowing.
So take some time and make sure that whatever you choose to do in 2014 is aligned with what you want.
If you want some assistance on being grounded and centred, getting clear with what you want or reducing your stress levels, check out these DRU yoga classes:
Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter, and let us know how you’re going with your yoga practice.
Posted by Live Yoga Life in Personal Growth on December 8th, 2013 8:28 pm
I have watched the rebirth of Apple over the past 20 years from a second-rate computer and software developer into a stylistic, design-driven company that provides quality products. As testimony to the quality of Apple’s iPhones I have a three year iPhone 4S which is still working fine and looks great. Not many companies these days produce products which are of such quality.
A driving force behind the changes at Apple, other than Steve Jobs, has been Jony Ive. His designs and ideas are the driving force behind Apple’s stylistic products and software interfaces.
Jony Ive rarely gives interviews. Last month, Jony Ive teamed up with designer Marc Newson to create a list of items for a charity auction through Sotherby’s Fine Art Auctions for Bono’s charity (Red). To promote the auction, Jony and Marc talked with Charlie Rose for 40 minutes.
The interview is below (streamed through Hulu). They talk about how they see design, what inspires them and the auction items – two of which they created for the auction. I found their perspectives on why they design to be very inspiring, and thoroughly engaging. I encourage you to watch it.
Whether you want to get fit, re-balance your chakras, or need to unwind and relax, has an extensive range of MP3 yoga and meditation classes that will hit the spot.
Posted by Live Yoga Life in Updates on December 2nd, 2013 6:29 pm
When I lived in Sydney, I had a favourite book store in the CBD called Adyar. It was a mind, body, spirit bookshop specialising in metaphysical and alternative books. It had a excellent range of second hand books which I enjoyed browsing. Sadly, it closed a couple of years ago.
We were very happy to find out that it recently re-opened as an online bookstore. It has a good range of yoga material. To check out its wide range of books, CDs and DVDs, go to has a wide range of MP3 yoga classes available:
Posted by Live Yoga Life in Updates, Yoga Events on November 3rd, 2013 6:51 pm
Join Paul Wilson, author of The Little Book of Calm, in a three-hour meditation immersion suitable for all ages and experience levels. Organised by Yoga Reach, funds raised through this event support The Yoga Foundation, an Australian non-profit that provides yoga-based health promotion programs for people experiencing hardship or disadvantage.
Date: Sunday, 10 November 2013
Venue: Australian Catholic University, 8-20 Napier Street, North Sydney (5 minutes walk from North Sydney station)
Time: 9am-12pm
Cost: $55
To book or find out more information about the meditation immersion with Paul Wilson. has a wide range of MP3 yoga classes available:
Posted by Live Yoga Life in Updates, Yoga Therapy on October 15th, 2013 10:25 am
An article in The Art of Healing magazine explained the benefits of yoga from a very interesting perspective that we had not seen before.
It starts by accepting the scientific perspective that our heart has a set number of beats before it will just stop working. If that is the case, slowing down our breathing oxygenates our blood, meaning that the heart has less work to do.
It goes on to suggest that the yogis understood this principle and so developed more effective ways of breathing. They reduced the amount of toxins that were allowed to enter the bloodstream and practised a host of techniques, from meditation to yoga postures, practices that harmonised the peripheral nervous system and slowed the heart rate.
The article goes onto discuss the three phases of purification of the blood, rebalancing of the nervous system, and rejuvenation’ of the endocrine system.
Click here to read the full article on why yoga is one of the secrets to longevity. has a wide range of MP3 yoga classes available: