Posted by Live Yoga Life in Updates, Yoga Events on April 11th, 2012
Yoga Aid Australian Challenge will be on in a venue near you on 9 September 2012.
The Challenge is a special, 2 hour yoga practice held in hundreds of locations worldwide. In large events such as capital cities, the Challenge is lead by a series of 12 teachers, many of whom are internationally renowned. In community events (held in local areas by yogis from the community) the Challenge is lead by teachers from a variety of local studios.
Whilst attendance is free, participants fund raise for charity in the lead up to the event.
You can do your part by registering for an event near you. In the spirit of using the local to change the global, the charity partners are regionally specific. Often smaller, community driven projects.
To ensure the maximum benefit goes to those who need it most – Yoga Aid has developed an online fund-raising vehicle on their website, which is easy to use, secure, and ensures 100% of donations go straight to charity. All expenses are supported privately: Yoga Aid takes no deductions from any donations for the running of the organisation or events.
So join us today by registering for an event in your local community.
Posted by Live Yoga Life in Yoga Events on March 14th, 2012
For anyone looking to expand their knowledge of yoga or try out some different yoga styles – you must check out the Yoga Australia Teachers’ Conference 2012.
The conference is being held at the Novotel Sydney Manly Pacific in Sydney on 28-29 April 2012.
The theme ‘Unity in Diversity’ has been set to celebrate our uniqueness while acknowledging the essential message of oneness and unity that is yoga.
Leading Keynote speakers, master-classes, teaching specialisation, and workshops on philosophy, practices, teaching skills and the latest science will form the foundation of the weekend conference. In keeping with the meaning of “yoga” – this event brings together a smorgasbord of different styles and traditions.
The speakers include two of’s yoga teachers – Eve Grzybowski and Mark O’Brien
Click here to register for the Yoga Australia Teachers’ Conference 2012.
Posted by Live Yoga Life in Yoga Events, Yoga Therapy on May 18th, 2011
The first ever major Yoga Therapy conference is being held in June, Australia in June 2011. This is very exciting as you get to listen to some of the best yoga therapists and researchers from Australia and overseas.
The focus of the conference is to explore the specific and profound ways Yoga can assist in maintaining good physical and mental health and in recovery from illness. It will also provides evidence-based research about the therapeutic benefits of Yoga.
The conference is from 11-12 June 2011 and is at the Vibe Hotel Sydney, 111 Goulburn Street, Sydney NSW 2000.
It is packed full of amazing speakers and will be an event not to be missed.
For more information and to register go to Australian Yoga Therapy Conference 2011.
Posted by Live Yoga Life in Yoga Events on August 30th, 2010
The perfection of the body or of yoga postures is not the goal of yoga practice. The fundamental principles of yoga are couched in Patanjali’s 8 Limbs of Yoga, and these limbs give central importance to the yamas (our relationship to others and the world around use) and the niyamas (principles which foster the soulfulness of the individual, or our internal relationship with ourselves).
What yoga teaches us is that who we are and how we are constitute the ultimate proof of a life lived in freedom. In the West we are taught from an early age that what we do and what we own are the sole components for measuring whether we are “successful”. We measure our success and that of others through this limited vantage point. If you do not truly believe in living out who you are from your true essence, it is likely that you will measure success in your yoga practice, and in your life, through the achievement of external forms. And in this reactive way of living, freedom is elusive.
This superficial way of measuring success has brought about a subculture of yoga today that is nothing more than a sophisticated form of physical exercise — measuring “masters” as those who are most flexible, or who can do the fanciest most extraordinary postures. These outward feats do not necessarily constitute any semblance of balanced practice or a balanced life.
When we remain committed to our most deeply held internal values (who we are and what we really want to express in this lifetime), we begin to discern the difference between the appearance of success and the true experience of success and freedom — going for to pursue these dreams – these things of real internal value to us.
So why do the asanas? Why practice them? Wouldn’t it be sufficient to live compassionately and truthfully in accordance with the yamas and niyamas? Why do we need to twist and stretch our bodies and listen to our breath?
The word asana translates as “pose” or “posture”, but its more literal translation is “comfortable seat”. These postures were discovered and developed by the early yogis – as postures that do not only have a strong physical effect on the body, but also a strong effect on our consciousness. By exploring both familiar and unfamiliar postures we expand our consciousness and learn to be comfortably seated and centred regardless of the situation we find ourselves in. Asana practice allows us to develop this internal awareness.
What distinguishes asana practice from an aerobic class or callisthenic exercise is that in asana practice we focus our mind’s attention completely on where the body is at present. Hence, asana practice is a reunion between the usually separate body-mind. Through the asana we practice being present, and aware, and doing things consciously, instead of mindlessly, numbly and distractedly.
Yoga practise is a good direct and expedient way to really meet yourself. Asana practice is an effective tool to explore and connect with yourself. When we feel disconnected to our body, we are dissociated from our instincts, intuitions, feelings, and insights, and it becomes possible for us to dissociate ourselves from other people’s feelings, and the physical reality in our day-to-day lives. Feeling disconnected to ourselves manifests in feeling numb to our daily physical experiences feelings and perceptions — which prevent us from really discovering who we are, what we really want to express and create in our lives.
Yoga brings us in awareness with our breath. By being aware of when we breath in and out, we are able to create balance when we perceive tension.
We have a wide range of downloadable MP3 yoga classes, yoga ebooks and yoga books available:
Posted by Live Yoga Life in Yoga Events on February 15th, 2010
Join Live Yoga Life and Katie Spiers in the much-awaited release of “Yoga Off the Mat”!
Available in eBook or Paperback edition.
Friday February 26th,
6pm – 8pm Workshop, $25
8pm – 9pm Book-signing, reading and chai (free of charge)
Join Katie for her first workshop since she became a mother for the second time. In this workshop we will explore the many faces of our yoga practice. It is easy to be peaceful and graceful in our asana practice, but once we step off the mat and onto the street it might be a challenge to maintain
that sense of calm and quietude.
How can we find the ‘yoga’ in challenging situations be they at work, with our families or even in the obstacles that we encounter from time to time.
Expect a dynamic asana class in-fused with great music and inspiring readings. After the workshop Katie will read a short extract from her new book (published by ‘Live Yoga Life’ – NOW AVAILABLE! – while we serve chai.
Please join us for this special event. Bookings are essential –