Complete Introduction to Pranayama (Breathwork)

Complete Introduction to Pranayama (Breathwork)


Pranayama is a vital link between the yoga asanas and meditation. Its literal meaning is “the expansion of the life force”. It has been proven to bring about a balanced state in your body and mind, often resulting in the feeling of calm and peace.

James Bryan has 5 classes in this 10-Track set. This comprehensive introduction to Pranayama is suitable for absolute beginners as well as experienced yogis wanting to improve their technique.

These classes are designed as building blocks so we recommend that you do each of them in sequential order to ensure you get the most from your practice.

This is a comprehensive introduction to Pranayama is suitable for absolute beginners, as well as experienced yogis wanting to improve their technique. This Program has 10 Tracks:

Track 1 & 2: Yogic Full Breathing

This tutorial (Track 1) and led practice (Track 2) introduces you to the Yogic Full Breath, which is often referred to as the four-part breath.

Track 3 & 4: Ujjayi Pranayama

This tutorial (Track 3) and led practice (Track 4) introduces you to Ujjayi Pranayama which is “controlled expanded breathing”. In this class you also get introduced to two of the Bandas – Mula Bandha (Root Lock), and Uddiyana Bandha Minor (Flying-up Lock).

Track 5 & 6: Viloma Pranayama

This tutorial (Track 5) and led practice (Track 6) introduces you to Viloma Pranayama, sometimes referred to as “staged breathing technique”. This breaks down ujjayi pranayama in order to gain a deeper understanding of the breath. You will also be introduced to Jalandhara Bandha (Chin or Neck Lock).

Track 7 & 8: Nadi Sodhana

This tutorial (Track 7) and led practice (Track 8) introduces you to Nadi Sodhana, which is commonly referred to as Alternate Nostril Breathing. You will be taken through the two parts of the breathing which comprise these two combined techniques – Surya Bedhana (Sun-Piercing Breath) and Chandra Bedhana (Moon-Piercing Breath).

Track 9 & 10: Kapalabhati & Sitali

This tutorial (Track 9) and led practice (Track 10) introduces you to Kapalabhati, an energising-heating breath and an excellent way to cleanse your nasal passages and energise the body; and Sitali. Sitali is a cooling breath that slows and cools the body and mind.
